Ministry Partners Promise of Financial Accountability
As a Ministry Partner we’re serious about earning your trust by using your financial gifts carefully and wisely.
As a Groundwire financial supporter you have the right:
To know we believe that this ministry belongs to God and we are His managers and stewards.
To know we will never sell, rent, or make available your name or information. We maintain high security standards assuring your personal information is safe and secure.
To know how funds made available to us are used.
To designate your gift to a Board approved fund.
To know we are committed to absolute integrity and transparency in fundraising. We conform to the standards established by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (EFCA), an accreditation agency created to ensure ethical fundraising and administration practice.
To receive a quick response to your inquiries about Groundwire’s finances and programs.
To stop by our ministry office and meet with us personally.
To know we have an active and involved Board of Directors that takes its leadership and duties very seriously.
To know about our financial circumstances, both in the good times and the lean times. And to know our appeals for funds are truthful and accurate.